There are properties in the City of Lincoln (City) that were originally developed with structural post-construction stormwater features, also known as Best Management Practices (BMPs). These features are specific to each property and play a crucial role in safeguarding the city’s water supply and preventing pollutants from reaching our local waterways. The BMPs onsite may include one or more of the following: trash-capture device, bioretention, media filters, tree box filters, porous pavement, and/or vegetated swales, each of which require ongoing maintenance to ensure that they are operating correctly.
The BMPs may be obvious with a specific manhole or cover or with a name stamped on it, however in other cases the BMPs may be natural features that blend into the landscape. In fact, you may have seen them before and wondered what their purpose was and who was responsible for maintaining them. The property owner is ultimately responsible for maintaining all stormwater features on the property and the City is responsible for educating the property owner and ensuring that the BMP is maintained.
If your property has structural post-construction stormwater features installed that need to be operated and maintained, you will be contacted by the City to complete the Annual Self Certification Form (in the next section).
The good news is that each property owner that has these features installed onsite is able to submit a self-certification form each year to the City to identify that each BMP is being operated and maintained. For more information, see the next section.

Example of Continuous Deflective Separation (CDS): City of Chula Vista
Example of Tree Box Filter: City of Palo Alto

Example of Continuous Deflective Separation (CDS): City of Rocklin
As a regulated entity under the State Water Resources Control Board’s Waste Discharge Requirements for Stormwater Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems, the City is required to ensure that all property owners with structural post-construction stormwater features on their property are operating and maintaining them so that they function correctly and protect water quality. To comply with this requirement, the City requires each property owner to complete a Self-Certification Form for their existing post-construction BMPs and submit it to the City of Lincoln Public Works Department no later than late fall of each year [see the electronic forms that may be submitted below].
Failure to return the Self-Certification Annual Form by this date is a violation of the City of Lincoln Stormwater Ordinance (Ordinance No. 826B). The City may impose enforcement and penalties in accordance with Chapter 8.08 of the City of Lincoln Municipal Code for violations and will be required to conduct an in-person inspection.
For each BMP located on your property, please complete this “Stormwater BMP Self-Inspection” form (can be conducted by a third party that is hired to perform the inspection). For example, if you have two BMPs, you need to submit two of these forms annually.
There are two ways you can complete the form:
- For a print-friendly version, click here.
- Scan or take photos of your completed form(s), then email to Angela Frost ( Also, include any photographs of the BMP(s) in your email (last question of the form).
- To conduct this digitally, complete the electronic form below and press “submit” at the end of the form. It’s recommended this is conducted while or right after you inspect the BMP(s).
For questions or more information please visit the City’s Stormwater Program website at ( or contact Angela Frost at (916) 434-2452 or by email at