Once it is determined that a project is required to incorporate post-construction stormwater and trash controls in accordance with the West Placer Stormwater Quality Design Manual, a Preliminary Stormwater Quality Plan (SWQP) is required to be developed and submitted as part of the project entitlement application package and entitlement approval process, followed by a Final SWQP prior to the approval of construction plans/improvement plans or the issuance of a building permit. The table below identifies the sections in the SWQP that must be completed for each Project Category.

In addition, the flowchart below provides an overview of the SWQP development and submittal process. Each step is summarized below and then described in further detail in the applicable chapters that follow. This process is similar for Small and Regulated Projects; although the SWQP submittal for Small Projects is simpler.

Who Can I Contact for More Information?
For more information, please contact Angela Frost at (916) 434-2452.