Source: (2016). Sealed Air Global Headquarters [Photo].Land
As a part of the municipal stormwater program to protect the City’s water resources, the City of Lincoln is required to regulate new development and redevelopment projects so that they do not result in pollutants being discharged or disrupt the water balance and/or increase flows into the creeks and streams. The activities that are subject to these requirements are defined as:
- Development – Any construction, rehabilitation, redevelopment, or reconstruction of any public or private residential project (whether single-family, multi-unit or planned unit development); industrial, commercial, retail and other non-residential projects, including public agency projects; or mass grading for future construction. It does not include routine maintenance to maintain original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of facility, nor does it include emergency construction activities required to immediately protect public health and safety.
- Redevelopment – Land-disturbing activity that results in the creation, addition, or replacement of exterior impervious surface area on a site on which some past development has occurred. Redevelopment does not include trenching, excavation and resurfacing associated with linear underground/overhead projects (LUPs); pavement grinding and resurfacing of existing roadways; construction of new sidewalks, pedestrian ramps, or bike lanes on existing roadways; or routine replacement of damaged pavement such as pothole repair or replacement of short, non-contiguous sections of roadway.
The City has developed resources to assist developers in meeting these requirements, each of which is described and provided below.
- West Placer Manual – This Stormwater Quality Design Manual (Manual) requires stormwater and trash controls for applicable new and redevelopment projects within Placer County, the City of Roseville, the City of Lincoln, the City of Auburn, and the Town of Loomis. The Manual has been developed cooperatively by the agencies to establish a consistent approach to address stormwater management within the West Placer region. The 2022 Manual is an update to the 2016 Manual (last revised in 2018) and incorporates the Statewide Trash Control requirements for certain new development and redevelopment projects.
- West Placer SWQP Template, Appendix A (Excel) – Interactive Excel-based Post-Construction Stormwater Quality Plan (SWQP) templates and forms that are intended to assist land development applicants and engineers as well as local agency staff to streamline the permit process by providing a standardized reporting format. There are various templates and relevant forms for “Small Projects,” “Regulated Projects,” “Hydromod Projects,” “Inspect and Maintenance,” and a “Checklist.”
- West Placer Manual Appendices – The resource details the following to assist developers in meeting requirements: Appendix A) Automated Template for Post-Construction Storm Water Quality Plan, Appendix B) Best Management Practices Fact Sheets, Appendix C) Source Control Measures Selection Table, and Appendix D) Storm Water Quality Plan Examples.
For more information, please contact Angela Frost at (916) 434-2452.